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04/01/19 10:09 AM

#220825 RE: trocprofit #220822

Please don’t speak for me, trocp, as l will be holding until unblinding. This company is in a MUCH BETTER position than they were just a year ago. We have been given blinded data that is hugely promising and endorsement by 65 brain surgeons. Other indications with “D” are now starting to come in with promising data and we finally have a good financial footing for a while. I have trusted this company before without any of this and l will trust them now.


04/01/19 10:14 AM

#220828 RE: trocprofit #220822

I have no intention to bail out or go anywhere... Top Line could be announced in May, June, July, September, October... SNO would another place where results could be pressnted, top line will be announced when they have it. It's premature to be panicking right now.


04/01/19 11:08 AM

#220835 RE: trocprofit #220822

Trocreofit, pretty sure you're not going to convince the Jim Jones crew. They already got their carrot by this little nugget on Twitter from Carlo, "I was spot on: “data lock and analysis” were announced already by the company." I'm 100% that the statement from Carlo is not true and it doesn't say that in the PR he was referring to. (November 18).

January 4th Carlo tweeted this,

Data lock/analysis seem to be imminent, Jan/Feb/March? I'm very much looking forward to PFS and OS results.

March 28th Carlo tweeted this,

I was spot on: “data lock and analysis” were announced already by the company.

So there's your carrot and the sad part is that people didn't question Carlo except two of us. Anyways people on here will believe what they want to believe and that's fine. I'm with you, I'll sell June 5th if no new at ASCO '19.


04/01/19 8:50 PM

#220939 RE: trocprofit #220822

I think that your sentiments mirror those of many investors and certainly those in my circle. Bailouts will only add synergy to the manipulation and it is highly likely that new lows will be reached even in the high single digits.

It may be wise to sell at least some of one's position at current prices. I think ASCO is definitely out. If you wait to bail out after ASCO comes and goes, without any top line news, I believe the share price will rapidly tank. One can always buy back later at much, much lower prices while allocating funds to more promising interim prospects. Not investment advice but just my personal view. Please do what your DD tells you and consider the risk with which you are comfortable. JMHO.