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03/29/19 5:41 PM

#47576 RE: greendragon420 #47575

Yep. Taking Cannabis off of Schedule 1 is not guaranteed.

I can't see Trump taking Cannabis off of Schedule 1 anytime soon.

Cannabis Legalization seems to be prevalent in the more liberal states.

However, as we have learned from the last Presidential Election - a lot of the Country is conservative and still has a "Bible Belt" mentality.

I am 100% for taking Cannabis off of Schedule 1 - but I live in a big city and big city thinking is more progressive.

But I can see where a lot of southern states and voters would be completely against taking Cannabis off of Schedule 1.

Likewise, people feel differently about Cannabis in different parts of the world.

If you smoke a joint in public in an Amsterdam Coffee Shop - no one even looks twice.

But if you smoke a joint in public in the Philippine Islands - May God have mercy on our soul because they could EXECUTE you. Really.

So IMO - taking Cannabis off of Schedule 1 is not a 100% Slam Dunk.