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03/29/19 4:38 PM

#47570 RE: Dalian #47563

So far, it seems all of the Big Deals have been with Liquor Conglomerates.

This seems to be a great fit because the Liquor Industry is seeing Cannabis as a real threat to their liquor sales.

Millenials are drinking less beer in favor of smoking Cannabis, etc.

So it is going to be interesting to see if Nelson can bring-in a partner that is not a Liquor Company.

The "Stigma" around Cannabis still exists for a lot of people in the world. They were just taught early on to say "no" to all "drugs' and that attitude has not changed.

So the non-liquor companies are going to have to weigh the increased sales of their new Cannabis or CBD Product against possible lost sales in their existing lines.

It is a strange way of thinking - but there are a lot of people that could boycott a company that partners with a "drug dealer" company like ACB all together.

IMO - This is why Cannabis will have a tough time taking hold in the US South if ever it is taken off of Schedule 1.