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03/22/19 6:33 PM

#565431 RE: lodas #565430

lodas, interesting and indicative of fishy business regarding today's price move!(IMO)


03/22/19 7:25 PM

#565442 RE: lodas #565430

They're not One just simply has to understand how to find said information. It's unfortunate that every piece of misunderstood information becomes some lame conspiracy...

It makes for laughable entertainment though!


03/22/19 7:37 PM

#565446 RE: lodas #565430

also notice from zacks top performing industry group, coop is listed in the top 27% making money, and number 68 out of 268 companies with rising earnings projections....Zacks compiles their recommendations from unknown brokerage sources not wishing to be disclosed publicly?....whats that about?..its like being charged with a crime, but I don't know who my accuser is... I am arrested, and I asked the cop what did I do?....he says we don't know...LOLOLO......have a nice weekend, and don't worry about coop......Lodas