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03/19/19 11:29 PM

#136997 RE: buysellrepeat #136987

The idea that institutions have paid way less in order to get a good deal is not very logical. If the institutions were chomping at the bit to get in on this deal they would have bid the price up, not down. Collusion doesn't really make much sense here. Institutions will compete heavily for even a few percentage points above average gains. The idea that they are colluding to get huge rates of return is ridiculous.

Most likely, they have valued this as they would any deal -- with algorithms based real financial models that take into account projections for the future.

This is the best they came up with.

Clearly the market price on the OTC of $13 has been flawed, based on hopes and dreams that real professionals don't agree with. I'm sorry, but this is the only thing that really makes sense.