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03/19/19 3:51 PM

#149701 RE: Zorax #149699

Like I said, it's easy to sell phony stuff to cats and dogs

Very easy when you have homeopathic Vets running around doing harm.

My favorite story is on a cancer puppy forum the subject was lymphoma. I gave the owner in panic the various chemo options or protocols. The response was they had found a homeopathic Vet, and no harsh chemo was needed. They would treat with herbs, and Prednisone. The remission time for Prednisone in a lymphoma puppy is 30-45 days. Then the cancer will come back, and be resistant to two critical front line drugs. Well, 30 days later they came back to post the Prednisone was no longer working, and the Vet said: Sometimes things just don't work out... Liar!!! It was predictable.

It's far too easy for Vet med scam to get testimonials from homeopathic Vets. From there it takes off.

The PMCB scam I'm following has a small branch out into treating dogs with mammary cancer. But damn if I'd let my dog have their treatment.