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03/19/19 1:19 PM

#106530 RE: Quindien #106529

Like I said..... believe as you choose

watchful eye 33

03/19/19 1:42 PM

#106533 RE: Quindien #106529

Too damn Funny, Baby!!!

Big DIFFERENCE in verbiage!!!

Nice try, though...



03/19/19 3:17 PM

#106542 RE: Quindien #106529

Not true. I spoke with him at length over the phone last summer. He basically said the same thing. He said he put to much faith in his employees and accounting firm to get things done. Ultimately it was his responsibility for the misgivings, which he fully acknowledged. Regardless, we have a very long road ahead to relisting , if ever. We’d be better off being rolled off into another entity at this point.