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03/12/19 4:21 AM

#217727 RE: sukus #217726


Why do you ask this question in connection with the post to which you are responding?

The point I am making is that market perception will most likely be negative if the primary and/or secondary end points are not achieved. The market, which as you well know by now, wrt NWBO stock, is manipulated with odds on probability. The market has a very short attention span. It usually glosses over the fine print and tedious explanations. Once you are forced into defensive explanations the market discounts it and moves along. This is all yada, yada, yada to the market. The headline may be "NWBO fails to meet primary and secondary endpoints in what has been a ten year long trial. However, and incidentally, overall survival for those patients initially treated with the vaccine was 30% at 36 months.....Will this be enough to offset failure in the primary and secondary endpoints and gain FDA approval? Stay tuned". That message will be hammered relentlessly into investors' minds creating significant FUD and a tepid, if any, effect upon the share price at top line announcement. Certainly not a ringing endorsement insofar as attracting enthusiastic buying in volume and significantly increasing share price.

Unfortunately, top line goes by without a significant and sustainable boost in share price and NWBO stock is stuck in the doldrums until a decision by the FDA(and/or other RAs) is forthcoming. No doubt, NWBO will require funding to keep going in the interim and after the sale of its remaining Sawston real estate, it's back to toxic funding injections and the horrible side effects of dilution. Unless of course, the endpoints are met and this nightmare scenario is thereby averted. Hopefully, adjudication will save the day for PFS. Hopefully(for the trial but unfortunately not for patients), crossover/late vaccine treatment will have little effect and there will be sufficient separation. It does not look that way but I hope I am wrong. JMHO.
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03/12/19 5:01 AM

#217730 RE: sukus #217726

Very subtle FUD IMO.

Sure, we have seen this “attention grabbing headlines” that totally misinterpret the true state of affairs and with NWBO’s history of mishandling these on follow up PRs .... case in point, how Seeking Alpha’s headlines stated that NWBO qualified its results but reading deeper into the article we find it’s a boilerplate disclaimer they quoted. I commented on it and then “cut and pasted” similar Disclaimers and Safe Habour clauses in other PRs by major companies and BPs. I posted a comment but it never saw the light of day....appeared only on YMB. So much for freedom of speech! Follow up by NWBO to Dr. LL’s November presentation, nothing on the great “sneak peek” at the still blinded trial but just lukewarm blather.

Perhaps their POSITIVE top line PR should just be a table of the results, stats and their interpretation.....”exceeds expectations”! Perhaps this is where Innes can greatly contribute to its wording or give it more punch. View it from different angles that minimises “distortions” by unfriendly political scientists and other paid hacks. If you announce it that brief way, how do the negative spinmeisters spin that? If they do negative spin on positive numbers and straightforward narrative, all their credibility goes down the sewer where they belong!

Btw, as I have often stated to other posters here, you can’t be slightly pregnant!