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03/10/19 1:39 PM

#184521 RE: nidan7500 #184520

With all their failures, Big Pharma doesn’t seem to be advertising for a new master and if they were Anavex would surely be on the bottom of the candidate list. But, it may not be up to them. Yes, they will be pissed.

Old lives matter. I hope to see many coming home parties from the warehouses of the forsaken.

It may be difficult for those that have been given guardianships to return to an emancipated legal status. It would be wonderful to see that process streamlined in the future to accommodate the load. With successes we could see diminishing numbers of individuals undergoing that humiliation and a burgeoning opportunity for the legal system to step in and cut off the kids grasp on mom and pops savings. What a hoot. How will Medicare treat the finances of people considered to be on the last slide out of town only to return with smiles and flags waving? Hey! I want my money back!

What a hoot.