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03/09/19 8:36 AM

#184442 RE: XenaLives #184438

"Provisional approval in Australia,"---chances for this actually happening ?????


03/09/19 8:47 AM

#184444 RE: XenaLives #184438

That has to be the plan doesn’t it?
If you have a beating heart..


03/09/19 9:02 AM

#184448 RE: XenaLives #184438


So will Anavex get ACTC funding for a very large early stage prevention trial from the ACTC?

Provisional approval in Australia, with follow on approval in the U.S. and E.U. to mitigate damage in those already diagnosed with an extended trial in the U.S. (and perhaps elsewhere) focusing on prevention?

This would help the maximum number of currently diagnosed patients and avoid a lot of damage in the future.

This is such an excellent question, which in a way should not have to be asked at all. The answer SHOULD BE....well of course it will be considered and that any rational/objective review will certainly result in AVXL being on the short list. BTW, being on the funded list automatically moves AVXL up in the queue of companies to look at.

Considering that these are the same geniuses that managed the last 30+ years I am not holding my breath. GREAT QUESTION.


03/09/19 9:32 AM

#184451 RE: XenaLives #184438

Not sure where ATCT funds specific trials. Thought
the NIH funding was for infrastructure. Wouldn't
trial funding come from other sources? To be sure
the intent of developing the infrastructure is almost
shadow funding by its nature. However, I do not think
they will be directing funds to individual companies or trials.