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watchful eye 33

03/03/19 12:10 PM

#106232 RE: LongFutureShot #106229

Speculation + Pixel + Apps + Content = SPAC!!!?!!!

I hope I’m adding this correctly.

Will be interesting to see if our Armored Transport carrying the troops, has enough power to make it up the steep Hillco.

We have movement at corporate and the Hub, OG 8k is coming due.

Leaning more towards the infrastructure speculation rather than buyout speculation Myself, Long.

Either way, Whomever cuts the Check... As mentioned, I believe... If I’m Holdin I’m Golden!!! Period!!!

I do miss Howlin this at the Moon... BIG THINGS COMING, BABY!!!!!!!

Long... My Gut is giving Me a Very Good Feeling, My Friend.... Something is going down... Mark It!!!

Time to wrap it up, Neil!!!

Nothing But Solid investors up in here, obviously My very humble opinion.
