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02/26/19 10:25 AM

#177842 RE: biowreck #177795

Biowreck, I'm far more comfortable and have greater confidence that Amarin can exceed everyone's expectations in growing sales by GIA. I found this paragraph particularly revealing in support of that opinion.

"Khedkar says one trend that will continue is that in-person sales rep access will decline and pharma will use more digital means to contact and communicate with doctors.

“One [factor driving that trend] is that the doctor doesn’t want to see the reps anymore and is getting more and more comfortable – especially the doctor that comes from a younger generation – with digital and nonpersonal means of getting information,” Khedkar says. “I think that generational change is irreversible.”

Last year, in fact, “the number of digital touches to doctors finally exceeded the number of human touches to doctors,” Khedkar told Med Ad News.

While it is true that physicians do not open up every e-mail companies send to them, pharma is reaching out more by e-mail and other digital means rather than by rep visits.

“The fact that pharma is pumping out more touches without reps than touches with reps, that’s an unprecedented milestone, because the rep touches had been declining by 3 or 4 percent per year, whereas these non-rep touches have been increasing about 36 percent a year,” Khedkar says. “In that sense, the idea of the rep access not getting any better and the slow decline will continue.”