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02/25/19 12:43 PM

#148482 RE: ToothlessOldGuy #148466

And BGFT is a pattern trade of mine.

Waiting for the fall out of this latest merger announcement when the stock tanks to .0001 again and sits there until around April or May. Then I will see about getting in

Well, that seems simple enough. Just base a pattern trade on what happened last April-May.

Just a couple minor questions on how this pattern trading works for BGFT. Setting aside sort of whether there are more Big Foot sightings before/after Polar Vortex events...

In the past you observed some PPS movement starting in Apr-May based on an O/S of 227M Jul 2017 going to 2.3B in Jul 2018. You got to read some given volume of PR pumps in that time frame. Helping the O/S sludge go upward.

The questions are: You are assuming everything is constant between 2017-2018, and 2018-2019. Yet more stock dilution is occurring. Is the PR pump volume the same? It doesn't seem to be constant. Then there's this merger agreement with Greenfoot (I like the "foot" part). Will the insiders remain constant in their behavior, or will they pump the chit out of it? Where by Apr-May it's all over. Complete with paid promos the full bit. The dreamers came in, and had the last of their gold teeth pulled so as to be able to buy the stock. The PPS falling back to 0001 where you wait. You buy, and the scammers have already cleaned out the demand. The O/S bloated to a tipping point where it no longer moves - unless Bigfoot is captured by authorities based on a tip from the Jolly Green Giant. How can you assume there is a constant trading pattern destined to repeat, when the parameters of the scam are changing?

P.S. About a year or so ago I, JS, and a couple others shed our evil basher cloaks, and pumped the hell out of BGFT. Left the usual pumpers on that forum in a catatonic gaze.


02/25/19 2:16 PM

#148489 RE: ToothlessOldGuy #148466

BGFT is passé. As sumbuddy here counseled, read the first few hunnert posts on BGFT to see how a select subset of the DD Frawed Bored pumped the shit ~OUTTa it and also gott some laffs doin' it.

BGFT is old, pumped and dumped, and blown~OUTT.

If you're lookin' for the next big nu-akshun pennystock ticker, watch for a new one. BGBN (BigBunny) is in the paddock gettin' ready for an April-May run. It's going to play off the Easter holiday theme of Easter bunnies and valuable items hidden in Easter eggs.

Meet the CEO of BGBN

Ready to roar by Easter - March may come in like a hare and go ~OUTT like a rabbit punch

BigBunny (BGBN) is gonna be YUUUUUUGE in the cannabis marketplace