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02/17/19 10:02 AM

#47644 RE: clearmont88 #47643

MY message and question was directed at the SELF-APPOINTED VTGN EXPERT, TAUG's PAID CONSULTANT Johnny C! Johnny C always seems to have some sort of BS to spew, thus his pontifications regarding Friday's VTGN crash could be "special"! The PAID CONSULTANT chose to ignore the request the first time around, so the post was a second request!

BTW...if the VTGN share price ever increases by 12% in one day, I will acknowledge it!


02/26/19 8:57 AM

#47650 RE: clearmont88 #47643

How long before VTGN does a RS?
More dilution is coming.
No matter what STORY is peddled about all the possibilities for a $20 (or MORE!) share price.

It all is so reminiscent of the “20 MILLION or MORE” BULLSHIT that was being touted by the paid consultant previously.
We all know how that turned out!


I do so hope that TAUG is going to double down?