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02/14/19 10:10 AM

#181755 RE: bas2020 #181733

Link to that article -

Looking for that link I bumped into this one, it explains how rare diseases like Rett Syndrome happen and are diagnosed. :


02/14/19 10:20 AM

#181757 RE: bas2020 #181733

Superb post Basparks!

Agree with pretty much all of it. Keto diet, non-processed foods.

What made this article really great was it honed in on Iron. Part of the reason processed foods are so bad for you is that the US Govt FORCES THEM TO ADD IRON to pretty much all cereals, breads, baked goods. This was required back in the 1940s, with the idea that it would help the war effort.

Nutritionists worried that the poor, who were most at risk of deficiency
and who needed the fortified foods the most, would buy the cheaper, unfortified brands. The solution to this problem was the enactment of legislation mandating exclusive production of enriched flour and bread. In the 1940s...

Like all govt meddling, one size fits all, choice is ended,and something put in largely due to WWII has never left.

Iron (and other bad metals like excess copper) can be removed by chelating supplements such as resveratrol or alpha-lipoic. Start giving blood 3-4 times a year also.

But one side effect of the Keto diet is that you may be low on magnesium. Was getting lots of muscle cramps. I take a magnesium supplement once or twice a week. No more cramps.

Magnesium is critical to homeostatis and the smooth running of numerous cellular processes. Very important not to be short magnesium.

Great article that tied this all together. I only wish I knew this stuff in my 30s instead of 50s.