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02/11/19 11:07 AM

#181377 RE: baltimorebullet #181358

Since the company has never stated publicly that we have help funding the current PDD or the Alzheimer's trial, do we have sufficient funds and funds available to go it alone?

First a reminder that my qualifications to make that assessment should be kept in the context that I could be a teenager living in my parents basement. ;-)

Keeping that in mind, I would say I believe they certainly have the cash to complete the current PDD and Rett trials. They also have plenty of cash to fund the AZ trial “at the planned rate of enrollment” ;-). Don’t forget they get a 40% kickback for running that trial in Australia, so that helps.

It would be interesting to know what dosage “Reserved for potential commercial use” they produced. Is it 10mg, 20 mg like the PDD trial is using or the 30mg 50mg doses that were initially planned for the AD trial?

I tend to give more credence to a hypothesis when its lends itself to prediction of future events. I wondered if there was some issue with the 30 and 50 mg doses in the AD trial. I think that would be important because apparently only the “higher concentrations” were effective. I figured that the AD trial registration would put the matter to bed if it was a “nonissue”. There was a long delay in even registering the AD trial and, last I checked, when they did register the trial, they did not disclose the dosages. The behavior seems to fit my unproven hypothesis.

What do you think about the matter? Much ado about nothing?