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02/03/19 11:09 PM

#557610 RE: bond-007 #557604

FDIC-R holding company for FDIC. If nothing why are 229 HF & INSTITUTUIOAL holders still hanging around.


02/03/19 11:50 PM

#557613 RE: bond-007 #557604

There are no "hidden assets" or "Safe Harbour" assets, there are the WMI Trusts that were "not" a part of the WMB bankruptcy that have to be accounted for right??

Boris the Spider

02/04/19 12:10 AM

#557617 RE: bond-007 #557604

Safe harbor assets.

Look, not sure how many times this has to be discussed. The docs do not lie. Do you think billions in assets just went poof? They cannot be discussed officially due to the gag order that was imposed.

If you would bother reading the docs you wouldn't take such a ludicrous stance. Do you really think the hedge boys are in this for just a couple bucks? Get real.

Now if you don't believe in this I suggest you find a way to dispense with your escrows (if you even have any which I doubt). My guess is you are a non releaser. Too bad. I feel for the folks who did not release, I really do. But to say something as preposterous now as that there are no assets is just ridiculous.

My question however remains, how much is there behind the curtain. We will find out soon. Very soon.


02/04/19 9:04 AM

#557631 RE: bond-007 #557604

007 All you post might be true, but what the heck you got to lose that you haven't already iffen lol.