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02/04/19 1:55 PM

#18905 RE: Free Willy #17742

Free Willy, to answer these VYST questions 1 by 1...

Two key things regarding the increase in the Authorized Shares (AS):

The reason for the increase in the AS was because to account for past convertible notes that were paid off that will never hit the market. VYST had to show shares in their Treasury to account for the shares even though they were never going to hit the market.

Some have been throwing around the increase in the AS as if it is new news. It is actually very old news as it was done way back before VYST even started moving and getting noticed by the market back on Jan 4, 2019 which can be seen below:

The confirmed Jan 4, 2019 date from the filings from the Georgia Secretary of State is below:

As for the reverse split, read the posts below as I believe it is a non-issue:

As for wondering if Rotmans is going to merge into VYST... well... that's the risk that we as investors must decide to take or not. I decided to take the risk because of much of the reasons that I have previously posted. I recommend all to do their own research and make their own decision based on what they have learned and believe. As for me... I'm all in! I believe!

What you see as a loss in the 10-Q is actually a blessing and what better positions VYST to be a prime candidate for merging Rotmans into. Read the post below:

As for VYST borrowing from anyone like the days of old in the past, those days are long gone as they have already put over $4 million into VYST to eliminate dilution along with Insiders already investing over $20 million into VYST. I suggest you read this post below regarding the Form 4s previously filed:

What you see as massive pumping I see as "excitement" because of investors are in something that is tangible as a company and is very real. You don't see investments like VYST come along very often. For some, this is their first rodeo for experiencing such while for some it's not. Also, here is what I previously stated... Pumping is in the eye of the beholder. When you state that a stock is “going to the moon” or some other kind of positive statement without some kind of logical reasons explaining how such could happen, then it will be usually considered as pumping regardless of a person's true intentions. Also, the repetition of those thoughts stated depending on the variety of its delivery could classify such thoughts as pumping too. However, for myself, I try to always explain my stance for why I am believing in a stock. Sometimes I think some misinterpret my excitement as pumping, but in my opinion, it's not.

Nobody wants to get burned, but ultimately it's going to come down to the company doing right by their shareholders. So far, they have been above board in everything I can think of. I would suggest you call the company and speak to them for yourself. Actually, anyone feeling as you should do so too. I wish you well.

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02/04/19 1:56 PM

#18909 RE: Free Willy #17742

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02/04/19 2:13 PM

#18935 RE: Free Willy #17742

Free Willy
Sunday, 02/03/19 05:05:51 PM
Re: stervc post# 17595
Post # of 18911

Steveo... what about the 960 m authorized shares in the 10Q?

A/S increase was to make room for the remaining convertible debt which mgmt. then turned around and decided to eliminate prior to allowing them to convert.

What about the RS of 5 to 50/1 authorized at any time this year?

The R/S was authorized way back last fall prior to CEO Steve Rotman eliminating the balance of the convertible debt and prior to him agreeing to merge in all of Rotmans instead of a smaller percentage. So now due to the buyback, the 100% acquisition of Rotmans and the elimination of the remaining convertible debt, VYST's valuation metrics can get us into DOLLARLAND with no reverse split required to get there.

What if Rotman's doesn't merge into VYST?

If Rotman's wasn't gonna merge into VYST then VYST mgmt. would've put out news to that effect already and they definitely wouldn't be initiating the massive buyback program en route! To say nothing of the fact that Greg Rotman has told all who he's been talking over the past couple of weeks that the Rotman's acquisition is 100% on track!

What about the massive loss in 10Q?

It's a tremendous benefit to the Rotmans because it's costing the Rotman family nothing to merge their family biz into VYST because of the huge VYST $31M NOL, which is a very sweet and significant tax write off!

What about borrowing from the loan sharks like power up?

CEO Steve Rotman just extinguished approx. $4M in convertible debt off of VYST's books that he inherited just over a full calendar year ago...and the recent buyback PR clearly states that mgmt. is most likely going to buy out the only 2 small remaining convertible debt notes prior to maturity! And Greg Rotman told me straight up that that was 1 of the number 1 pre-requisites prior to his father recently agreeing to merge in his Rotman's family biz ie: All of VYST's directors and insiders agreeing to rid VYST's balance sheet of all convertible debt!

What about the massive pumping?

It's excitement which is 100% merited considering the massive and dramatic increase in valuation metrics about to be unleashed here any day now when the monster share buyback and rotmans acquisition catalysts get unleashed! Why shouldn't us shareholders be incredibly excited about those 2 imminent game changing catalysts being unleashed and the massive increase in value both amazing catalysts create...let alone the tremendous amount of organic traction both catalysts will attract from much higher breeds of investors recognizing the incredible valuation proposition that gets unleashed! If you're a shareholder you should be just as excited with those 2 catalysts alone...let alone everything else that's coming down the pike like fully audited Rotmans financials and the Nasdaq uplisting pursuit etc etc etc instead of wrongly calling being excited about the FACTS as so-called pumping!

I AM A SHAREHOLDER and want this stock to go to multiple dollars $$$, but I don't want to get burned, and become a bagholder!!