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02/03/19 1:19 AM

#17121 RE: JLS19 #17060

If they grow at a consistent rate, then ((22 x7)/18) x 5 should be the length of time to get to the 23 grams target shouldn't it?


22 weeks to get to 18 grams

Therefore 22 x 7 = 154 days to get to 18 grams

154/18 = 8.56 days per gram

Therefore an additional 5 grams will be 8.56 x 5 = 42.8 days or approx 6 weeks hence.

Quite assumptive I know and if incorrect in terms of growth being consistent, do feel free to contribute.

Point being, by this calculation, Harvest weight is 6 weeks away, or Monday 18th March (approx).

BTW Full article won't open as need to be a paying subscriber.


02/04/19 8:46 AM

#17376 RE: JLS19 #17060

This suggests that they are still 5g from harvest size.

Do you think that means another 3-5 weeks before harvest?