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02/01/19 1:39 PM

#209904 RE: pope125 #209899

That’s not what I was asking. You stated it’s low risk, high risk reward. How do you come to this being low risk? If they get crushed in court next week, everyone loses everything. It goes back to a sub penny, maybe even back to the trips. That’s very high risk to me.

Are you saying you’re a judge and you’ve read all the documents and the ruling is a no brainer? It’s very hard to win appeals. And a defendant that’s won an original ruling can always try and escalate a lost appeal. IF SA loses the appeal they can kick the can for another 18 months before they even get back to a discovery. Generally, settlements happen during discovery, if they are going to happen. Not always though. Do you see what I’m getting at? A lot of things can happen before anyone sits down and gives SFOR money even if everything goes perfect from here on out. Such as SFOR flushing another 4-5 million down the toilet. Btw, SFORs only settlement ever, they walked away with about 4.5 million. Do the math.

Very very very high risk, reward size is questionable based their first settlement. They need about 3-4 more of those to get back in the black...