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11/08/06 7:58 PM

#20428 RE: dlewisfl #20427

And are you willing to take the chance on that??

I will continue to accept that the the Company will do what is best for them and I think the two are intertwined.

I believe RB.....Did what he thought was best...and Dalby will do also.

If I did not feel that way..I would not be a part of the Company to begin with.

My vote..and I urge yours also....remains YES.....

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11/08/06 8:18 PM

#20430 RE: dlewisfl #20427

You're neglecting the issue of time in your assessment.

A 'no' vote and the resulting time in issuing another proxy, and having another vote may not allow for the funding to fulfill current orders, may subject the company to being in default with Dutchess since the 100 Mill shares are nearly maxed out, and will result in additional penalties w/. the IRS.

This is what was clearly stated by Dalby in the CC. If you're thinking that these aren't critical issues, that plenty of time exists to rectify everything by reissuing another proxy, and you don't believe him, then why would you entrust him with any more shares?

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11/09/06 1:45 PM

#20458 RE: dlewisfl #20427

Not totally true. Yes, I do think they could keep bailing the water out with a plan B, until we get a plan C in action, but the costs will be so excessive that it will make it much harder for this company to become a decent investment for any of us within the next year or three. And the potential of out right failure is increased another fifty fold or so. I do not like increasing my risks that much in an already risky investment. I also like to make money on my inestment within a year or so rather than continue to watch them struggle. How much more time do you wish to add to your investment time frame for this to start turning into a profitable investment, dlewis? How much more at risk do you want to put it at with increased potential for total loss of your invested monies?

I would like to reduce my risk, (Albeit, 400MM increase in AS does increase the risk quite a bit also), and shorten the time frame it takes for my investment to make money rather than lose money (400MM AS does increase this time frame a bit also). Only way to lower the risk and reduce the time frame right now is to trust the managment, (managment that is demanding trust with a red hot fire poker held two inches from our eye rather than earning the trust first, which ironically is the first indication that we CANNOT trust them) and vote YES.