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01/23/19 10:43 PM

#297884 RE: I-Glow #297879

Yes they do IF they are VERIFIED. Was the TA and ticker listed as VERIFIED? No-- because OTCM didnt offer that service in helps to stay informed on new regulations, changes...

johnny smartask

01/23/19 10:49 PM

#297888 RE: I-Glow #297879

So now I guess we are to believe the Nevada Secretary of State filings are wrong also. Thank goodness you said something... instead of using NVSOS I can get my DD from you


01/23/19 10:50 PM

#297889 RE: I-Glow #297879

Ok post the e-mail since your always asking for proof.


I emailed the TA and found out they hadn't heard from the company since 2014 and they weren't a client.