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01/22/19 4:14 PM

#47423 RE: clearmont88 #47422

Seth Shaw...does what he thinks is Right and does the best he can

Contrary to the claim, CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw has absolutely bludgeoned the TAUG shareholders with dilution! And yes, Shaw is playing with OPM. Check-out the BS high-risk equity investments! If the shareholders wanted to buy this garbage, they could do it on their own without paying CONSULTANT CEO Seth Shaw ten grand a month to sit around pushing his "trade button"!

And finally, "Seth Shaw does what he thinks is Right and the best he can" FOR CONSULTANT CEO SETH SHAW! Shaw has pocketed at least million dollars worth of compensation in the form of cash and TAUG shares since taking over as the CEO in August 2012, but what does TAUG show on the Balance Sheet? Hmmm....less than a million dollars!


01/23/19 8:25 AM

#47425 RE: clearmont88 #47422

LMAO... Then why has TAUG been diluted to the point where the stock is down abut 99 percent since 2012? How much value has he really saved investors who have believed in him since then??


01/24/19 8:56 PM

#47429 RE: clearmont88 #47422


Seth has a ton of skin in the game

Please define “a ton”...LoL
I’d say the amount of $ he has put in is a pittance compared to the compensation he has drawn over the years (for a minimal amount of work).