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01/21/19 7:37 PM

#16307 RE: slazenger7 #16305

Another GOOD REASON for the DEIS to be MADE for ALL to see and review. That way we KNOW what is BOGUS and what is now. If you want a head start on REVIEWING IT go to this link and see the Data reviewed for the Draft EIS 1173
That's 1,173 files covering EVERYTHING. DOWNLOAD and READ the ones that interest you


01/21/19 9:23 PM

#16320 RE: slazenger7 #16305

FACTS > Absolute no truth to this. The "danger" and "toxic waste" you and others are referring to in the tailings is a mixture of Water, Organics, Silt, Clay, Sand, Gravel, etc and small traces of metals that were left out of the extraction process. All usable traces of minerals will be extracted. There will be no use on Cyanide. I agree there may be small traces of lead, zinc, etc but again very very small % parts per million and that's why the Engineers are building it to exceed beyond the worste possible earth quake in North Anerican History.

I'm not sure where you are getting your info on these "dangers" because last time I checked, you wont grow a third leg swimming in silty water with some organics and clay.

Not to say I wouldnt love the idea of Freeport buying out NDM because I would, but NDM is the stepping stone for this Mine and it will be built, guaranteed. The only anti Pebble community in Alaska by Majority is Dillingham, accounting for less than a hundreth of a percent of Alaskas voting population. Elections are controlled primarily by Anchorage and Matsu Borough.

Salmon ballot initiative failed. Alaskans support the rule of Law, and WHEN the EIS is out we can prove to the naysayers that the Mine can be built safely.

Truth be told it's not Bristol Bay Region that controls the majority of the voting power, it's nearly all controlled by Matsu Borough and Anchorage. FACT