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01/21/19 4:15 PM

#179092 RE: XenaLives #179089

Great summary Xena

leads right from symptomatic causes such as amyloid to the underlying issues of oxidative stress, brought on by mitochondrial misfunction. A perfect rationale for 273's efficacy, either alone or with an amyloid remover.


05/30/19 2:45 PM

#194846 RE: XenaLives #179089

Spirochetes and other bacteria can linger in the brain and drive inflammation and the formation of amyloid beta and neurofibrillary tangles, all of which are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (Miklossy 2011). Moreover, laboratory studies indicate that amyloid beta is an antimicrobial peptide, suggesting its formation could be an adaptive response to infectious organisms (Soscia 2010). These and other findings have led some researchers to hypothesize that “…early intervention against infection may delay or even prevent the future development of [Alzheimer’s disease]” (Honjo 2009).
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