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01/19/19 8:12 PM

#80988 RE: Big daddy wags #80987

Didn't say they were. "SGSI is hardly Disney or Amazon!!! "

You asked

"If TNS were a bonafide, profitable, money making enterprise, why? .... Why would ICLD divest itself of yet, one more of its supposed money making tools? "

I answered.


And neither on have recently reverse split with a pps of .15 and falling!

Means absolutely noting,

Apple came back from near bankruptcy

Tesla came back from near bankruptcy

Plug went from $1400 a share to 15 cents a share to $1.30 a share

I am not concern with today's stock price, I look forward to tomorrows,

40 million in revenue and rising, after being in business less than 2 years.

How long did it it take Plug to reach that level of revenue, and PLUG HAS NEVER BEEN PROFITABLE.

If PLUG can lose money for 20 years and trade at $1.30 with 240 million shares outstanding, I have no concerns about SGSI after 2 with less than 8 million shares outstanding.