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johnny smartask

01/15/19 9:39 PM

#296596 RE: janice shell #296595

But that is not proof of anything. You have no way of knowing if that is his plan. But hey it's just a guessing game I see


01/15/19 9:47 PM

#296600 RE: janice shell #296595

No--Theres a big difference between reverse merger and asset acquisition. I've been involved in a number of mergers/acquisitions and I can assist with the understanding if needed. For starters ---in an acquisition Sharp would maintain control of GRDO; in a reverse merger the new entity would assume control. GRDO per Sharp is in the process of equity financing as a precursor to the acquisition process. Could that change in the future? Sure... But to date all communications point to acquisition which is NOT the same as a reverse merger.


01/15/19 9:57 PM

#296607 RE: janice shell #296595

Glad to see you here, I was literally just thinking about asking you about this stock today. Do you think this is a scam or that George Sharp has good intentions in creating one of the few legit penny stocks?


01/17/19 2:52 PM

#296811 RE: janice shell #296595

That's why I respect you. All logical facts no bullshit.

GRDO is a RM play and it's a wait game. It might go lower or higher based on upcoming events. GLTA


01/25/19 3:10 PM

#298271 RE: janice shell #296595

Didn’t you work for him?


02/06/19 12:21 PM

#299707 RE: janice shell #296595

Looking for a reverse merge candidate or just looking to change the name and bring in his own asset? Do you think ihub needs a competitor? Most of us do.