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01/14/19 11:49 AM

#178427 RE: Investor2014 #178426

P2a could be about validating Cognision in the clinic and correlating sleep.

We know it's about gathering new data.

After that data is gathered will Provisional Approval and a P4 be the best choice for TGA and Australians participating in the trial?

There is no effective SOC for Alzheimer's so continuing the fiction of a blinded trial in the face of proven superiority and safety would be cruel.


01/14/19 12:46 PM

#178447 RE: Investor2014 #178426

People ask about unblinding due to great response in a group leading to the assumption that the Placebo group is not responding. In our situation it is tricky and may screw up reporting...there are two groups that could be causing low response...they are the placebo group and the 20% less responsive genetic group. That may prevent us from early unblinding.