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01/12/19 2:21 PM

#66378 RE: prospector777x3 #66375

I'd guess pretty close to zero


01/12/19 2:22 PM

#66379 RE: prospector777x3 #66375

The statements are riddled with errors that are of large consequence. There is only one patent that was granted within a day. The others were over the past few years. More importantly though, these patents are NOT owned by SFIO. None of the 5 that have been posted over and over are OWNED by sfio. They are owned by RJR or RAI.

SFIO is mentioned in the section with the following sentence:

"Additional manufacturers, designers, and/or assignees of components and related technologies that may be employed in aerosol delivery device include"

That sentence is followed by so many companies I didn't bother even trying to count.

I'm not trying to say this is meaningless, but it is also certainly not what you are implying it is. SFIO DOES NOT OWN THESES PATENTS.