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01/02/19 9:55 PM

#47712 RE: Harry Winston #47711

Shoot out another complaint. That's sure to get it going


01/02/19 11:01 PM

#47713 RE: Harry Winston #47711

It also means the SEC could pull the plug on KooKoo The Clown, without notice. They have to be getting sick of that stupid act already.


01/03/19 2:21 PM

#47714 RE: Harry Winston #47711

Harry please??? They guys know what is going on... the SEC knows what is going on? It seems that only you wants to be showered with comforting disclosures all the time? You found out how Honest KK and the boys are, so just keep your pants on? They can only do so much with the help they have on hand, and have told you once how the way things are, so please have more faith, as they will get down to it when they can!
Keep pestering GERS Officials will make our Board Group look bad in their eyes as well, and we want the guys to have all the emotional energy devoted to the tasks at hand, and not to our overused requests? Can't you see that your timetable is erroneous, and that it shouldn't have been established in the first place? Everyone, the SEC included, knows that nothing is perfect in this area of Investment, and that irregularities happen all the time, but are not done by EVIL people, but by the troubling circumstances the Companies have to endure!

In P-Stocks, the SEC receives complaints all the time from people who don't know the inner workings of a start-up Company and DEMAND rather than UNDERSTAND! the It all comes down to how we view people, too often negative, and that might never go away even though much evidence has been divulged to the contrary! You won't change, even when your thoughts are subverted by the truth, but isn't that the Hallmark of truth, to implant in someone some facts they knew nothing about? That has been done very well in your case, so just feel that you have been exceptionally treated, and leave it at that? Let's stop the nonsense and let the guys do their work without the additional burdens placed upon them!


01/03/19 4:43 PM

#47715 RE: Harry Winston #47711

Harry, did you ever wonder why GERS didn’t go the road BTZO went?


01/04/19 9:49 PM

#47716 RE: Harry Winston #47711

gers. You already had a personal conversation with KK... You already placed a complaint that hasn't bore fruit... You just recently intimated on this board that you now trust KK and that you are satisfied with what they are doing? What the H--- else do you want, a personal letter acknowledging guilt of whatever is in your head? People seemed to have gone overboard with you already, yet no appreciation? You can't force GERS to do something they are not yet prepared to do, just to satisfy your ego?

If I was KK, I would say to you; "I talked with you quite a long time, yet you still don't understand what is going on, so go back to your cage and wait it out like the rest of us?" Enough is enough already!

Please no more accusations, no more damaging pressure, no more phone calls, no more trying to get your way with them? It just won't work because the guys have better things to do than spend all their valuable time with someone who keeps pestering them as if he knows better than everybody else, even the CEO? It just seems that you are trying to hurt them, and our cause as well, just for not acquiescing to your demands? Try it on me? LOL!!!