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Dolly Llama

11/07/06 11:35 AM

#23278 RE: florist #23257

If you've seen the long interview with the hooker, there's no question that Ted Haggard is gay, and has been involved with the hooker for years. It's sad all the way around. Here's a guy who really and truly doesn't want to be gay... who believes all the BS he was taught... who loves his wife and children very much... who's been living a lie and fighting himself... and in the process fought against all gay people. He used religious bigotry to advance himself and his church. He's been used by the Republicans and religious leaders to advance political ends. He's had access to the White House. He's done enormous damage to the cause of equal rights for gays, and to himself. And now that it's all been revealed, he's given himself over to the very people who will help him continue to hate himself, in the pathetic belief that he will be redeemed by the false teachings he's been filled with. The man is truly lost.