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12/30/18 9:07 PM

#169470 RE: Cardiologymd #169463

Good for you and your patients! However, even JT made comments about pushback from insurance this past year. It remains to be seen whether a significant number of doctors prescribe V without expaneded label, and insurance coverage does so without try generic first. This obviously can be best determined by script growth. I don’t like the FDA overhang. On a side note, MD’s where I live refuse to prescribe medical mj...where it’s legal...why? Because they are tied to hospitals and clinics who don’t want government backlash.


12/30/18 9:07 PM

#169471 RE: Cardiologymd #169463

Cardio, with all do respect, many Cards are not on the same page as you are regarding writing scripts for Vascepa. Without FDA approval for expanded label what is the best way for more patients to battle their insurance companies for an off label script?


12/30/18 9:57 PM

#169493 RE: Cardiologymd #169463

Cardio, welcome. Just curious under what criteria you prescribe V? The consensus here is that pretty much everyone over 50 should be on V irrelevant of your overall health.


12/31/18 6:56 AM

#169529 RE: Cardiologymd #169463


Nice to see someone who thinks like I do..I never wrote a V script for a patient who had trigs over 500mg/dl and although some of them had CVD that was incidental...And almost all of my scripts went through..I also wrote scripts for myself and had no documented CVD or T2DM...and was never challenged...

I was writing therm as a plastic surgeon essentially doing nothing but facelifts in a population that included smokers and the usual degenerative disorders found in a population of fifty to seventy five year olds (the oldest was a 94 years old)...I put them on Vascepa after the NDA...because patients simply had fewer complications, faster healing and recovery times, less swelling and discoloration...

I put somewhere around 100m patients on V for a period of two months and saw some remarkable things which I have posted here several years ago...I am currently retired..

It's nice to see a cardio who believes what a cardio should..My current PCP agreed to put me on V (Tier 2) after a review letter to Silver Scripts...I sense however from conversations with her that they get more flack from Medicare and are directed by them and other third parties to adhere to a strict statin regimen..And their reimbursements are tied to being good do-bees...

This is twisted....

":>) JL