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12/30/18 12:02 PM

#10754 RE: TooFrank #10753

Holy cow! That sounds fantastic.


12/30/18 12:05 PM

#10755 RE: TooFrank #10753

Good post. An unexpected plus created a problem, and it sounds like they know what they are doing, did what they could this time, and have a plan to address it in the future. Hope it's as simple as that. Though we don't yet know all the details I suspected it was something like this. I do look forward to more details direct from the company explaining it all, and how it might impact their planned business model, but in the meantime your post does provide some additional clarity.

The post does cause me to wonder about the time frame now until trial completion and harvest. The questioner referenced a July 1st start, but I believe it was reported by the company as a July 3rd start at the time, close enough that a clarification on that doesn't seem necessary. But the questioner also mentioned a >30 week cycle now, and into February, specifically stating that as it if was part of a larger conversation that we are just getting a snapshot of. That does seem a big change, and since the F&T guy did not correct the >30 week or February time frame, in fact almost implied it was a fact, I am left wondering just how long now until the trial actually does finish and the harvest completes. Is it now February and not early/mid January? We knew they extended it beyond the 24 weeks (Dec 18th if started July 3rd). It was reported that would be a few weeks more at least, apparently 2-4 weeks, which would bring it to early/mid January. Is it now expected to not be until February? If so, how does that change other things?


12/30/18 12:28 PM

#10756 RE: TooFrank #10753

Supplement to my last post (Filing delay related?). Another thought about the extended trial and F&T's reply posted by TooFrank:

And if I really want to speculate about this, if the trial completion and harvest is in fact now delayed to possibly >30 weeks and into February, does this mean the recent delay filing for the 12/14/18 S-1's 60m new shares effective date might mean they want to revise it to more than 60m new shares to account for the added time and cost from this trial completion delay? I still think the delay filing is very likely just to meet a deadline, their ability to meet possibly affected by the Christmas holiday, and we'll see the actual effective notice very soon, but TooFrank's post (and the content of my first reply) makes me wonder about this new possible explanation now as well.

Bionic Man

12/30/18 1:00 PM

#10760 RE: TooFrank #10753

Thanks for the updates! Looking great for SHMP$$$


12/30/18 1:00 PM

#10761 RE: TooFrank #10753

100% survival and the shrimp are happy as clams.

This is an incredible outcome for the final test. The official announcement will be huge!

7777 oath keeper

12/30/18 1:06 PM

#10763 RE: TooFrank #10753


When RAS systems become chemically imbalanced one of the options is to drastically reduce feeding to prevent substantial crop failure. It looks like the RAS system was overwhelmed. Evidently F&T was called in to beef up the system so feeding could continue. This would account for the delayed 20 count 24 week window.

Sean Adams
Project Editor at Cognella
Is this the same harvest that was begun on July 1st? If so, wouldn't February make it a >30 week growth? Is there a reason for the extended growth cycle?

Peter Letizia 3rd degree connection3rd
??Solving Industrial Waster Water Problems as President & CEO of F&T Water Solutions??
Yes we had double the amount of surviving shrimp the system was calculated for so our feeding and water treatment system were not calculated at nearly 100% survival so we had to increase the system capability. In the rollout next year on our commercial model we will change the treatment calcuations to accommodate this awesome survival development. This issue turned out to be great news as we never thought we would have this kind of survival rate as historically the shrimp would have been stressed by these conditions but are not smile

2019 gonna be a great year!!




12/30/18 1:42 PM

#10764 RE: TooFrank #10753

Excellent post. Looks like SHMP is golden!