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12/20/18 11:40 PM

#204816 RE: Umibe5690 #204808

Great post. Very possible scenario.
The naysayers and altruistic posters are now going into negative spin / damage control mode. Too funny to see them spin this latest revelation with "just money" nothing to see here, move along...what if we were another company other than NWBO? Flunkies of BPs like AF, Cramer.....will be shouting it over CNBC. Bloomberg will start connecting the dots, speculating the way Umbribe has done so....!

If you know Chinese companies, you would know that Chinese companies have tons of cash looking for a home in leading edge technologies to further their global footprint in strategic fields....what better way than to buy into a company that leads the DC immunotherapy field, after all, they bought Dendreon for $800m. The Chinese are looking for "shortcuts" into any leading technologies.....with just a handful of cash!

They can use their IT expertise to further automating the DC Vax production platform.

Definitely not a straight real estate deal.

Let's see how the market reacts to this latest connection. The US / West are already so far behind in the 5G space, that they have dig up "Iranian" sanction busting charges? Can they afford to let this leading edge treatment for GBM and potentially for other solid cancers fall into Chinese hands?

Wake up western owned the BBC xenophobic documentary, "The Chinese are Coming".....since "a prophet is not recognised in her own land"....UK, EU and the Asia Pacific markets trumps the US FDA (BP) controlled market!