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12/20/18 2:15 PM

#7978 RE: DiscoverGold #7977

Google is aiding and abeting a dictatorial regime that had infiltrated the US government and was stealing US military tech, government secrets, dumping steel and aluminum into the US through the similarly compromised nations of Canada and Mexico (abusing NAFTA) in an effort to destroy the US steel production base (military). The compromised US regime also had cut funding to the US military including the space program as well.

The CIA/Pentagon also funded Google with taxpayer money.

Seems like a conflict of interest almost maybe of the most treasonist kind.

China has 800k+ muslims in work camps currently, they use slave labor to produce the goods we buy. We have culturally become numb to the idea of supporting slavery overseas. Remember the stories about the local townspeople who first witnessed the nazi concentration camps first hand? Will we be shocked too?