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11/06/06 4:06 PM

#23241 RE: nostinkinc #23240

Before you decide that the ONLY conclusion that can be drawn it that the media is "decidedly left wing", I think you should consider the fact that the party in control always has more news stories about it. Add to that how many people are sick of the war we have no plan to win and you might just decide that the media is a reflection of public oinion.
Even Robert Lichter is quoted in the article as saying "The coverage has become a referendum on Republican leadership." that sounds to me like the media are a reflection the public opinion.
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11/07/06 12:39 AM

#23260 RE: nostinkinc #23240

You mean the same left wing media that put the Clinton administration on the defensive from the day he took office. The same left wing media that has distorted the gay community for years and years with stereotypes that play into the hands of the homophobes that continue to deny gay people the same rights as everyone else.
I have listen to that overused fantasy from the right wing about the left wing media since the Reagan years and I respectfully disagree.
If the left wing media was so powerful and in such control there would never have been a majority of conservatives in the house and senate to put this country in the mess we are currently in.
These are the same group of people that have been in power for six long years that talk about personal responsibly but have proven with the Foley scandal, and the mismanagement of the War that it’s easier to blame the last administration then to admit mistakes have been made and move on to address the problems.
But that will never happen with the Republicans or the Democrats because they don’t give a RATS ass about the folks in the middle. While we sit here and argue about Left, Right, Gay, Straight, Black, White nothing is being done to solve the day to day problems of average Americans trying to provide a better life for their families and moving this nation into the next century.
Terrorists isn’t the only threat this country faces, the American way of life of each generation doing better than their parents is slipping away and we can thank corporate America for selling this country out to China, India, Arabs etc, ect.