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12/10/18 6:43 PM

#25308 RE: Gatta-git-it #25307

Your not alone,I'm looking for the same. Maybe just prior to the presentation on Wednesday but we should definitely hear something by years end.


12/11/18 8:51 PM

#25309 RE: Gatta-git-it #25307

First I'd like to say Happy Holidays to all MRKR owners and I hope 2019 is GREAT for all of us.
But I'd also like to address something if I may.
People on this board want communication and updates and reports and presentations etc. from MRKR.
Understandable, BUT, even if we get them, they are all B.S. and almost meaningless. That is why there is always the disclosure about "forward looking statements".
NO company is ever going to say "WE SUCK" as a company. They are ALWAYS going to put the best spin on it.
How many times have biotechs have poor trial results and then try to spin it into the best possible news?
Even with trial failures it's always "encouraging news" because we identified a "subset" of patients that "may possibly" benefit, blah, blah, blah, that justifies our continued research and further trials, blah, blah, blah.
What else can they do? Shut down and fire everybody? Their jobs and paychecks depend on continuing forward, so they do the "best B.S. spin" that they can write.
THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS or will ever matter is undeniable positive trial results.
Positive words are meaningless.
How many people on this board expected a market cap of 800 million or 1 billion after the merger based on "words" they read?

YES, MRKR has a "potentially GREAT" technology in the CAR-T space, but so do a dozen other biotechs I can list.
Until MRKR or others PROVE IT in trials, no one KNOWS for sure they will ultimately be successful.
I choose to believe in MRKR, that's why I got a large chuck of $ in it, but me believing in MRKR means nothing.
I don't care about "spin words", I want undeniable positive trial results.
That's what's going to make the share price skyrocket, not "spin words" or great sounding presentations. What CEO in their right mind (if they want to keep their job) is going to give a presentation that is not great sounding spin.
Presentations and expectations are great, but it's positive trial results that matter.
Hopefully we get some in 2019 and beyond.