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12/06/18 5:07 PM

#352529 RE: fung_derf #352528

Have to is the key word. Doesn't mean they do. Even when laws are blatantly broken they aren't always enforced. I have all kinds of stories.

Was trading Cryolife and it broke neckline signalling big break out. I went in a huge position for me 50,000 @7.6. Stock slowly kept grinding up and when it sped up into 8.4s I put a sell 8.6. Stock peaked 7.48 and started dropping so I cancelled my order. Hours later into close it started spiking went through 8.5 really quickly though 9, 10. Closed like 10.5sh I am bouncing off the walls in disbelief, was my biggest trade ever. Then within 10 minutes afterhours it goes through 12 and right for 12.5 which was big peak spot from before. I go to sell and all the sudden out of nowhere 15 minutes after market close 8.6 sells pop up. Furious I called broker who called the ECN. ECN said my order was never canceled although I have screen shots of it being canceled without ever reaching the price(still showing in my account). And they pushed the fill hours later, had order been open and filled I would have rebought. I complained to SEC, NASD, clearing firm, broker. Threatened with lawsuits. End result I was blindly robbed of $200,000.

I also would do ECN rebates on locked up price stocks say .10x.10 and would do 250k-500k orders for .004 rebate. A few times when I was best bid out of nowhere they'd fill me and charge me .01 costing thousands of $s. Blind robberies that no agency would look into and enforce blatant stealing.

About 6 years ago a firm I worked with stole all my money among many other traders and I lost almost everything I ever worked for. Filed complaints with SEC, FINRA, FBI, IC3, NY AG. Was on a first name basis with FBI dealing with them for over a year. Although the guy eventually got charged to this day hasn't spend a day in jail.

Also had cases where $ just disappeared from my brokerage account with no trace lol

All that stuff I had no control over. When still young and having build up accounts my pink sheet learning process involved drinking kool aid. Company OMOG cost me over half the money. Michael Barnett was the guy I believe. Idiot that I was wrote him. Got his #. Got sweet talked and lied to and believed. Which led to a total disaster.... I moved on, guy eventually got popped trying to lure underage girl and got jailed.

So my point in all of this is I lost huge on pink sheets before and learned. While my loss could be attributed to a scammer IT WAS ME WHO MADE THE DECISION TO BUY, THEN ADD, THEN ADD MORE. CONTINUE TO BELIEVE THE LIAR. IT WAS ME WHO INVESTED MORE THAN I SHOULD HAVE AND IT WAS ME WHO BROKE EVERY STOP LOSS RULE I HAD. In this business been robbed enough money to be retired by now and in ways where regulations and regulators should have protected me. But they didn't. So when people take risks with money they can't afford to lose and don't take losses when they should I have zero sympathy for them. They put themselves in that position. Anyone with half a brain if they did any research of pinks would know what they getting into. If they choose to ignore the risks and not follow basic rules they have no-one to blame but themselves.


12/06/18 5:28 PM

#352533 RE: fung_derf #352528

Oh yeah. Can't forget GM when it had a Q. I was trading it a lot. Then during slower time decided to grab food. Came back to it halted and couldn't believe my fortunate as was totally flat with 0 shares. Day before it unhalted 80,000 shares got deposited into my account and stock opened 70%+ down costing like 75k or whatever it was.

Also AMRQQ. Was in pretty big right near lows .22 or something. Outed for huge gain on most .3-.4. Then couple days later when its over $1 they came to tell me I was short since they decided to cancel my buys haha

Oh but regulators did step in eventually.... After my old broker ran off with all my money and left me with nothing SEC decided to put out rules to restrict otc/pink sheet trading with 10% daily volume and think was it 10% 20 day avg volume or whatever. One of my side accounts had a couple positions with about 5k of a .01 stock. POS one day totally took off and went to .28 over couple days. So from being broke went to having well over 100k. Thanks to new SEC rules to protect me I could only sell like $500 day 1 then like 1k next day. I might have cashed out 3-4k when could have got 50-100k as stock collapsed back down few days later and volume died. So yeah thanks regulators!

Yet every time I got robbed they wouldn't even bother look into it. Even the broker that robbed me they wouldn't have gone after him had I not aggressively kept pushing them. FBI agent told me wait so you telling me you only lost $150,000? Thanks not very much for us to use our resources lol Eventually they picked up the case as I got contact with other traders who lost money after posting my story on