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12/06/18 6:06 AM

#165588 RE: north40000 #165533

Hi north, hope all is going well with you.

could you pls post the full article for us non NEJM paying subscribers. :)


12/06/18 7:03 AM

#165595 RE: north40000 #165533


Evolution to evidence-based health policy very similar to what I have heard from FDA’s Dr. Gottlieb

The problem with advancing evidenced-based is introducing new GREAT science in a timely fashion. I don't know if there's any one good solution, but I do know that Vascepa needs to be part of the solution ASAP.



12/09/18 4:17 PM

#166361 RE: north40000 #165533

North: This is kind of Pharma 3.0 language needed to establish on-going credibility with all stakeholders (focus on healthy outcomes) isn't it - and partly why AMRN has priced V as a value drug?

I don't think there is any escape from the juggernaut that are various en vogue certification schemes which for healthcare seems to take the form of "evidenced-based health policy." Generally, I've understood a lot of the patient empowerment movement to be traced back to the Karen Ann Quinlan case and the thalidomide scandal which hastened the transition away from formerly paternalistic doctor roles.

Generally, businesses and organizations end up having to go along on certification schemes. If I'm remembering correctly one of the first was the Forestry Stewardship Council. They've exploded since the late 90's to over 450 eco-labels across all 25 sectors.

Cochrane seems to want to fill the certification place in the healthcare space with "evidence-based" meta-analysis studies under the guise of bringing order to the snarled studies jungle. Unsurprisingly, Cochrane appears to be junking it up themselves with their own definitions of what to include in a meta-analysis study to benefit the growth of Cochrane.

Quickie Cochrane process critique

Billionaire wants a shiny badge like in Candy Crush - once they get bored with owning a sports team, what's left?! > Billionaire funds NGO/consultancies > NGO/consultancies copy template from other certification schemes and applies to a new unopened frontier > supply chain reacts and eventually rolls over & uses as market differentiation > Consumers mostly don't really care except to avoid being shamed in front of peers when polled and many don't realize the added cost in supply chain for what was already being done prior to the added layer.

Certification schemes can be a job creator for all the new science grads who can't find jobs in academia or government. Over the last 20+ years our government agencies increasingly use consultants like Grant Thornton, Booz Allen or Dyncorp for functions that previously were in-house. Ironically, this has ballooned the budget in unforeseen ways than possibly had Uncle Sam kept the functions in-house (the policy thought experiment is the tax-paying citizen is better off because the cost of paying benefits/401K contributions has been sloughed off to the consultancies), but it doesn't necessarily work out that way in actual practice. It's a government equivalent to what is visible on the private sector side with what are essentially marketing companies who farm the bulk of their functions out be it pharma, commodities or software.

A sign'o the times.