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12/02/18 3:54 PM

#104771 RE: TimeMoney #104770

Watch please sticky linked post
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watchful eye 33

12/02/18 4:05 PM

#104772 RE: TimeMoney #104770

Patiently waiting, My Friend...


I’ve learned a hell of a lot from this ticker and My fellow investors from both sides of the fence.

Let her Rip!!!
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LJ Silver

12/02/18 5:34 PM

#104779 RE: TimeMoney #104770

Stickied as requested...
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12/03/18 11:28 AM

#104798 RE: TimeMoney #104770

LOL, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, no, really this time there really is a bridge I can sell, and it's a beautiful bridge. Really, really, you can really believe me this 53rd time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

San Diego, CA, Nov. 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solaris Power Cells, Inc. (the “Company”) has entered into a settlement agreement with the SEC under which the registration of each class of the Company’s securities registered pursuant to Exchange Act Section 12 will be revoked. The revocation is effective as of November 15, 2018. The revocation was the result of the SEC initiation of proceedings on May 16, 2018 in which the SEC sought to revoke the registration of the Company’s securities pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The SEC alleged that the Company had failed to comply with Exchange Act Section 13(a) and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder because it had not filed any periodic reports with the SEC since the period ended September 30, 2015.

The Company is now committed to completing the financial audits it started over a year ago with the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm. The Company will audit additional years so as to satisfy the requirements to file a Form 10 with the SEC as soon as practicable. The objective is to have the Company’s common stock relisted and once again quoted on the OTC Pink. There can be no assurance this will be achieved.

"The Company is now committed to completing the financial audits it started over a year ago"
Yes, OVER a year ago. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over a year ago and is still not completed, or started. LOL ROTFLMFAO

"the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm."
Oh, and please remind me what the name of that firm is again? LOL ROTFLMFAO

"as soon as practicable"
The Court of Appeal accepted Toeca's submission that “practicable” should not simply mean “as soon as possible” or “as soon as feasible”, and should be given greater flexibility. LOL ROTFLMFAO

"common stock relisted and once again quoted on the OTC Pink."
Whose common stock? LOL ROTFLMFAO

"no assurance this will be achieved."
Really, how much more clear can this point be made? LOL ROTFLMFAO

And once again LOL ROTFLMFAO
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12/10/18 1:43 AM

#104974 RE: TimeMoney #104770

I am Still curious about Insight Innovators!?!
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04/26/19 1:35 PM

#107030 RE: TimeMoney #104770

You missed the obvious and truth here:

The objective is to have the Company’s common stock relisted and once again quoted on the OTC Pink. There can be no assurance this will be achieved.
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04/29/19 8:45 PM

#107041 RE: TimeMoney #104770

Lmfao Epic Fail...The company is a total fail ...Revoked, Kaput, Finished...Spcl is defunct and will never operate again LMFAO
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09/11/19 2:47 AM

#107706 RE: TimeMoney #104770

What a pos epic fail lol