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11/30/18 6:08 PM

#373464 RE: SqueakyShoe #373463

There is a Kris Dillinger in Germany, butt he has NO association with NTEK whatsoever.

The "Kris Dillinger" that DaPathologicalDaveyFoleyFelonLiar claims is on the NTEK BOD (yett is nott listed on the list of officers and directors on file with the NVSOS) is one of DaFoleyCrimeFambly dawgs.

Kris Dillinger (L) and Warren Buffett (R) in DaFoleyCrimeFamblyFormerHowse

Another tough CONference call for NTEK shareholder-victims. Now wiped off DaFoleyFelon's to-do list for 2018. He has met his goals for 2018.

Video shot of DaFoleyFelon during the CONference call

DaPathologicalDaveyCriminole already has his final goals and objectives for 2019 - he approved the list himself

DaPathologicalDaveyLiar pulled ~OUTT a truly bizarre claim that he bleeves ANY merchant bank would give a line of credit to non-existent corporation (both CASOS and NVSOS show that NTEK is defaulted) with no legally cognizable officers or directors and having millions of Dollars owed in court judgements for NON-PAYMENT of debts. No merchant bank would extend a line of credit to NTEK, regardless of what 'collateral' was pledged. Banks do nott make loans to non-legal entities - any such CONtract wood be immediately void and unenforceable.

Dat utterly, wholly INSANE DaFoleyFelon can't stop himseff from making the most ridiculous claims. I think he must do this to secretly laff at the shareholder-victims who bleeve his crapola no matter how outlandish and inane it is.

Whatta hoot!!!