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11/29/18 2:31 PM

#8944 RE: Threeflight #8941

It is also clear to me why the company has let the stock fall so much the past year. To a price lower than the .005 warrant price.

My god this is so simple.

The reason they allowed the stock to fall is because again, they want people to buy these warrants so they can pay off their debt. A stock price at a penny doesn't do much for that cause. But if you let the stock fall so low that people who bought the commons are wiped out and have no choice but to try and recoup with the warrants, or even more so if people see a .005 real stock price that is about to get 1 for 1000 wiped out and they can buy warrants at the same price and get a '1 for 10 protection' clause?

That is a HUGE incentive for people to buy the warrants.

It is actually pretty ingenious. Immoral and wrong....but ingenious.

I cannot wait to get the hell out of this stock and never look at it again.

Complete scam.