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11/30/18 12:41 PM

#323 RE: ronrooster #322

Well now I know the answer to the question I had at the time Zander was announced about the future of Entest. So poof just like that and we have a new Chairman and CEO, in China no less :) Would be interesting to know the back story on that one. Unreal. So now the big question is why this occurred and for what purpose. This will be interesting to see. Direction? Pet food? Pet Maryjane? Pet Meds? Who knows.

Thankfully there is a legal requirement to file with the SEC otherwise we would be in total darkness on this(and most) of the Koos ventures. Now with someone else(hopefully very competent) at the helm there may be some hope that this stock does something. Hey, anything that could get this stock price out of this dumpster would be welcome. Ron hope all is well. Please keep us posted. GL.


01/07/19 4:40 PM

#359 RE: ronrooster #322

Hey rooster, any idea where this may up?

I saw the 1 year chart and was impressed.