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11/28/18 12:33 PM

#69729 RE: kbrod1 #69727

vois. To solve your problem, not mine, I bought the NeuroSync and still have it gathering dust! While using it alone, without software, my really with it Grandkids had a blast seeing if they could achieve some of the basic abilities of the N-Sync? It worked as described, even without the software! Now whether they were able to patent the device, I am not sure?

The guys tried but didn't succeed with what limited experience they had and the financial and Emotiv Stumbling blocks stopping their movement? If you had called the Co' that sold software as I did, you would see what I saw, which not only gave them some credibility, but illustrated the overall problems they had!

You can believe whatever you choose to believe, but being initially introduced as a scam is unbelievable to me! VOIS had an initial 10 year contract with Emotive to push their products, those of which I forgot at this time? They had engineers develop the NeuroSync, again proving their basic wish to produce a good High Tech Product! "Scam" suggests that they deliberately started this so-called "Hoax" from the very beginning, which is obviously not the case IMO?

People generally use the Word "Scam" because in appearances, it looked like something was fishy, especially with one of the top guys, who earlier had a MINOR run-in with either the S.E.C, or FINRA? Or use the term because they couldn't handle the losses, which is an ever-present danger in the Micro-Stock field!

I believe they just faced too many problems and made too many mistakes, but I would never brand them as Crooks or Cheaters! I haven't posted on this board for way over two years, so I can't remember all the facts!