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11/24/18 8:51 PM

#37123 RE: rnj75 #37122

crtg. Why do you say I wouldn't mention my holding? Why not, as I've done so in the past! But I surely didn't throw 20 G's into this stock, or any other of my holdings either! I put a considerable amount toward this stock, relatively speaking of course, because some people, listened to the hype, thanks to Mr. W, and a couple of others, and forgot to think on their own? I have been guilty of that to some degree, but I slowly made my way to the conclusion that the difficulties are far to much for even our Genius Ceo to overcome! He was driven by his own hype, and is locked into a door with no key at this point?

It is wise to remember that we will never know all the internal goings on, so we should tread lightly on our pocketbooks! I guess if we knew all the problems and difficulties, none of us would have spent a dime on this "Turkey," as it now seems to be, as problems are the key word for every one of the Stocks in this sector!! No investor will ever know the struggles going on day after day, with more problems compounding the significant number already established! We were Led, like a bunch of fools, to the Stock Garbage dump where all "Promising" Penny Stocks lay?

Now there seems to have been a hand-off to another hype Jockey, to take the place of the old one! Almost the same message verbatim, even to the BOLD highlighting effect? Has anybody noticed that? Maybe the same guy?

So you who threw 20,000 supposed bucks into this thing, it is very sad, for that money had better places to roam! Good Luck to you, maybe this turkey will get a reprieve down the line, and find its way to some form of deal with someone or another! Right now, I am suspicious of the whole thing, down to the new Tech researcher Elgammel, who was hired to do what? Leapfrog the 14 Patents/Patent pending Inventions already patented by someone else? Maybe it is just desperation time where they are trying anything and everything to resurrect this thing? Who knows, not me that's for sure!!