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11/23/18 10:23 AM

#162203 RE: Yellow Rose of Texas #162186

The best year of my life...Yellow Rose of Texas..

That would be the one I spent in San Antonio...

Thanks for the boost...I think the idea that whoever elucidates the physiological, pathological actions of EPA should get the Nobel prize speaks to the depth of ignorance in the cardiology field..And this ignorance is just as deep at the top as it is at the bottom..

Someone ask me if I could explain it to a cardiologist and the answer is no..No cardiologist or lipidologist would listen to me for 5 seconds because I am not a board certified Cardiologist and therefore..I know nothing...The fact I could and did, easily predict the success of R-I back in 2012..Is simply because I read the medical science and not the clinician BS..

Medicine is a hierarchy..Not at all dissimilar to the military...only the military is a lot less hypocritical...During my clinical rotations and residencies I frequently faced situations where I understood what was going on and my superiors didn't and in some of them the patient died..needlessly...I was never was congratulated but rather was punished
for embarrassing more senior doctors..

Promotions in medicine are not based on clinical acumen, but are like a corporate ladder...where sucking up to your superiors is the key to success...This actually steered me away from academic medicine..As a general surgeon in Vietnam I was elevated to head of the K 90 surgical emergcy team set up in case a hospital was over run..And later I was appointed to Four Power Joint Commission Surgeon after the cease fire and was responsible for injuries related to cease fire violations and was the Sole Army doctor in Vietnam until the final flight of regular army on March 31 1973...

":>) JL