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11/21/18 3:40 PM

#113344 RE: Jacks1234 #113341

127k users is a tremendous increase, but we don't know anything about it yet. Was it one big company - a one time deal or something more across the board? And, how much are they paying? It seems clear that the 360k aren't all paying $10 a month. Hopefully the S1A will clarity.

The net income for the 6 months for SC was down from 600k to 400k roughly, but the operational cash flow was up - it was 300k.

However there may be a seasonal factor - the cash flow for the 6 months ending June last year was negative 78k, but for the entire year last year it was negative 389k - and they had a loss of $745k- so it got worse as the year went on.

Hopefully the 127k boost will offset any seasonality in cash flow, and hopefully it is a true trend from many clients and not only a one time increase from one client.

NFUSZ, on the other hand - has had a negative operational cash flow of approx $900k per QUARTER for 3 quarters in a row, which far offsets what SC has been bringing to the table.

SC has got to come on board AND really be having exponential growth to avoid rough going in the stock even if they somehow get to Nasdaq. Of course, first things first - they gotta get there somehow and without too much pain.

Some think it is already a 'done deal' because of the enthusiasm of SC management and already integrating - but we don't really know this. It may be that they decided to integrate and share revenues no matter what, and are just hoping they can raise the money to make it permanent.