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11/20/18 6:26 PM

#6808 RE: Donutman #6807

No, butt you have a promise from a sovereign that has an enormous amount of assets available to honor (at least in part) that promise to repay value AND a need to preserve its reputation for paying its debts or it will be unable to obtain future credit. The Federal gummint has assets that can be sold, leased, or privatized to raise the value to honor the value (at least in part) of the US Federal Reserve Notes (those green things in your wallet) in some medium of exchange.

Bitcoin has no assets and never will, as it's nott even a legal entity and has no existence apart from a blockchain. So a Bitcoin is nott backed by ANY promise to repay value. NONE. ZIP. Nott even partial repayment (e.g., Federal Reserve Notes value gradually lose value if there is inflation, and gain value if there is deflation - as in Japan - butt always have at least a partial value founded in the full faith and credit of the sovereign - the US Federal gummint - which owns a shetload of assets that can be liquidated or leased for value).

In contrast, Bitcoin has no assets and no ability to acquire value - it owns no land or resources and has no way to back any promise to repay value - indeed Bitcoin doesn't even promise that it has any value at all - there is no 'full faith and credit' in any Bitcoin entity because there is no Bitcoin sovereign.

Think of it this way: if Bob (a Federal Reserve Bank) gives you a note with a promise to repay value in the future, you can go to Bob and demand repayment. He may repay you only partially (for less value that promised) or maybe nott at all - butt his reputation will be ruined if he doesn't at least repay you to some degree and nobody will accept his future promises - so your 'guarantee' of value repayment is based on Bob's assets and his need to preserve his reputation for honoring - at least in part - his promises.

With Bitcoin, there is no 'Bob' to go to. None. Nobuddy. Just shout into the wind. And there is no promise to repay any value - with or without inflation or deflation - nott even partially to be exchanged for any value, asset, or reputation. With Bitcoin there is no sovereign who needs to honor promises of value to preserve its reputation. None. Zip.

Hell, it's nott even a tulip bulb.