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11/16/18 4:29 PM

#197979 RE: Lorie3168 #197978

Simply put. Topline data won’t be released by LL this weekend. For the reasons that Flipper has previously mention, topline probably happen until early 2019. If topline is available, it could be released via PR in conjunction with a Tier 1 journal. Also, doubtful.

Major news this weekend would on be about something with BP, which is quite possible, IMO

Basin Street Blues

11/16/18 4:43 PM

#197985 RE: Lorie3168 #197978

They can say anything they like anytime
they like as long as the exchange know first.


11/16/18 6:19 PM

#198002 RE: Lorie3168 #197978

There are SEC rules about Fair Disclosure.
If a disclosure is planned, like at a closed conference, then public disclosure should be simultaneous. NWBO tends to meet their disclosure requirements by filing and posting Forms with the SEC?