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11/15/18 12:31 PM

#37105 RE: Clonefan #37103

Clone... I was trying to say the end is near, but without absolute confirmation, I wait until they make a miraculous move, or drown in the quicksand they unknowingly set for themselves!

It is so preposterous to see them forming a new strategy, but with what? A CHGS that isn't theirs'? I feel that new "Direction" must have some merit to it, at least theoretically, or Kraft surely wouldn't get his A-- in a sling for a P-Stock Company that has shown nothing so far? Maybe their belief is just another "Think Big" feeling that pervades much of the Business World, I don't know? Maybe there is some unsuspecting Company out there who is in the same "Desperate" boat as Kraft and CRTG seem to be in, and will go along with whatever Kraft is doing, or proposing? Anyway, by hook or by crook, Kraft is going to squeeze the Business Community however long he can? It seems that Mr. Kraft has enough leads to satisfy him, and makes the CHS product look ever too good to him now as a result, so on goes the charade until reality sets in?

Right now, I can do nothing but hold, as selling out for peanuts is not my way of doing things? I would rather stay the course until it folds naturally, or somehow, through the help of the "Gods," makes a miraculous turnabout? I am not going to leave any Company that I invested in, even when it we me who made the Investment decision, which was only based on product alone, and not focused at all on the Company and the problems they have as a destined failure as most P-Stock Co's are? That Number # 1 CEO is a self-anointed placement as far as I am concerned, for any #1 CEO would find real work somewhere else other than this field of desperate people & Co's?

Also, out friend Walrus might have seen his payments run out, and is no longer a paid pumper? IMO of course, but in this field of desperados, anything goes as long a you don't get caught???

As good as Kraft may be, he just doesn't have the dynamite to break through the thick walls that face him! It is a shame for us and NDSU if our scenario holds true... but how else should we feel at this point, even with Walrus singing Christmas Carols in favor of CRTG??